Minggu, 09 April 2017

Tugas 1 - Introduction

I’m a woman. Cooking its my hobbies. I have been living in Ciganjur, South of Jakarta. I was born in Jakarta on October, 27th 1995 and my parents give me name Nur Indah Oktaviani. I just called Indah in my house. But sometimes my friends give me a nickname and called me Indahuy, Neli, Mbain and Ocha.

My own goals is to be succed. I want to be a carrers woman and working in the government sector. I loved my parent and want makes them proud of me.

I’m a women who never give up and like to do a challenging. If I failed, I will try and try until I’ll make it. But I don’t like if  some in betrayed me or lie to me. Maybe I can forgive them but I never forget what are they doing to me.  I really loved food and always eat when I’m starving. But I was confused with my habit who likes eating. I never getting a good heights and proposional for me. Sometimes its disgusting my self and I wondering what should I do to make my body haved a good proposional. Until now, even I can’t get the “good and proposional” for my body, I will try to make it happens because I’m a woman who never give up on somethings.

Thanks for your time to reading my story. If you wanna know more about me, just ask to me.. šŸ˜Š

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